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Online Banking Options

First Time Users

New to Oostburg State Bank online banking? Here’s everything you need to know to get started today, including online security tips.


You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers. Here is everything you need to know, and more, about Mobile Banking.

Terms & Conditions

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using Online Banking.

Mobile Deposits

Deposit checks, no matter where you are. You can save a trip to the bank by using Mobile Deposit on your smartphone.

Person-to-Person Payments

Sending money to family and friends is as easy as sending an email or text with our Online Banking Bill Pay service.

Mobile Banking

Banking when and where you need it. Convenience and service — Oostburg State Bank offers you the best of both worlds.

Bill Payment

Check writing made easy – you tell us who to pay, how much to pay, and we send your money according to your instructions.


Get updates when you’re on the go automatically by e-mail or a text message with Messenger, free with Oostburg State Bank Online Banking.

Additional Info

Get important information on Check Images, E-Statements, and Online Security.