Eight Sheboygan County nonprofit organizations have been provided COVID-19 relief grants by Oostburg State Bank.
Thanks to a $20,000 gift from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago (FHLBC), the bank presented $2,500 grants to each of the following organizations:
- Anchor of Hope Health Center
- Faith Reformed Church, Cedar Grove, Food Pantry
- First Reformed Church, Oostburg, Food Pantry
- Love INC
- Oostburg Ambulance
- The Salvation Army
- Sheboygan County Food Bank
- Samaritan’s Hand, Sheboygan
The FHLBC, which is a funding source of the bank as well as a partner in the home mortgage lending business, surprised each of its member banks with $20,000 to distribute to the communities they serve.
As a locally owned, community-focused bank, we wish to express heartfelt gratitude to these organizations for all they do to address the physical, emotional and material needs of people in Sheboygan County.